Tuesday 18 November 2008

Thursday 13 November 2008

Experimental Video Assignment - Task 1 - Chapter 4

How does the use of exhibition space create meaning?
The location of which a piece of work is exhibited has a lasting effect on the meaning which the piece gives out to it's viewers. For example, if a piece of work is located in a brightly lit hall with lots of other people around then this gives off a cheerful impression and makes the viewer feel safe and secure as they have lots of people around them and are not alone. In contrast to this, if a piece of work is exhibited in a seperate room with no lighting then this provides a sense of mystery as the viewer can only see what is on the screen in front of them. Also, this can make the viewer feel slightly scared as they are now isolated from everyone else and are completely alone when viewing the piece.

A clear example of this is Susan Hilliers' 'Psi Girls' which is shown via a five-screen projection. The piece is exhibited in it's own private secluded corner in a darkened room. This almost guarantees that the viewers will watch the piece as there is nothing else to look at in the room. The darkness adds to the mystery and really ties in well with the nature of the video. The clips of young girls and women exorcising paranormal powers is made even spookier with the added effect of darkness.

Another exapmle is Dan Grahams' 'Two Correlated Relationsions' which is also exhibited in a darekened room of its' own. The room is located in a walk through area which allows the viewers to see the piece as the walk through. This makes the viewer feel more safe than they would when viewing 'Psi Girls' as they are not entirely alone when viewing this piece as there are people walking past whilst the piece is being viewed. However, the darkness has the same effect as 'Psi Girls' as it creates a sense of mystery and has the potential to make the viewer a little scared. As the piece is shown in it's own space, seperated from the other pieces of work by walls, this adds to the sense of mystery as the noise of the projector rolling can be heard before the viewer knows where the piece of work is. The viewer then becomes drawn to the piece as they become intrigued as to what the strange sound is.

That is how I feel the exhibition space can effect and create a meaning of a piece of work.