Saturday 27 September 2008

"1001 Nights"

The film "1001 Nights" by Jananne Ai-Ani, is a 6 minute movie in which 5 women give their accounts of war. However, it is not clear if the women are talking about their own personal experiences or someone elses'. They could be showing us how innocent people are affected by war or how they have already been victims themselves.

The film shows the head and shoulders of 5 different aged women. Whilst 1 women is speaking, the other 4 have their eyes closed. The stories given by the 5 women each represent a different background to add to the idea that anyone can become a victim of disaster. The women are the only source of colour on the screen as the background is completely black, this makes the audience focus on the women as they are not distracted by other things on the screen.

There is no non-diegetic sounds on this film and the only diegetic sounds come from the women speaking. This again, makes the viewers pay attention to what the women are saying as they are not distracted by any other sounds.

After watching this film I felt a little disappointed as to me it wasn't very appealing due to the lack of audio and visual effects. However, this film does give you several views of how different people can easily become affected by the disasters of war.

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