Tuesday 7 October 2008

Experimental Video Assignment - Task 1 - Chapter 2

The use of technology and techniques and styles.

The technology, techniques and styles within the following films; "The Girl Chewing Gum", "Koyaanisqatski" and "Jan Kounen" (by Gisele Kerozene) all differ in various ways. The films vary depending on when they were made as this reflects on what equipment would have been available at the time.

"Koyaanisqatski" has a very unique style as it consists of a large selection of clips which change at slow and extremely fast paces. Some clips are repeated to get the messasge across to the audience. This film was produced in 1983 so a lot of new equipment would have been available at the time. Also, a lot of money was available for the producers to experiment and try out new ideas to see if they worked well. This explains why this movie has a very different style and pace to it in contrast to "The Girl Chewing Gum".

"The Girl Chewing Gum" was produced in the 1970s' when technological equipment was limited and hard to access. Also, this film had a low budget so the producers couldn't afford to make lots of changes in post production as they had to make use of what they could afford. This explains why there are only two edits in the whole film. This film doesn't have many techniques used, most likely due to the financial situation and the time period. The style of the film is fairly simple as the majority is one long shot, only cutting to a different scene at the end. This was due to the lack of money and equipment available at the time.
"Jan Kounen" is a very unique film which is extremely different from the other two films.
This film uses stop frame animation which consists of 25 frames per second. This totals up to 6,000 photos for the entire 3 minute film. This technique consists of taking photos of every stage in the movie, a hard task which would have taken an extremely long time to put together in post production. The audio is all non-diegetic, the sound was inputed in post production, as there is no noise on stop frame animation. The technology and techniques used in this film are very important as this is a craft based movie and the aim of it was simply for the producers to show off what they can do. This film was created in 1989, later than the first two films, this explains how the producers had access to such advanced technology.
Those are the different types of technology and techniques used in the above three films.

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