Friday 10 October 2008

Experimental Video Assignment - Task 1 - Chapter 5

How might these works inspire your own work.
After viewing a range of different experimental videos, I have been introduced to many different techniques, some of which I could attempt to put into my own experimental video. Out of all the different videos I have watched, the technique which I found most interesting was in fact, "The Girl Chewing Gum". I found it interesting the way that at the beginning the audience believe the man is actually directing what is happening when in fact he is simply narrating what he sees. I enjoyed this film simply because it shows that we believe what we see more than what we are told. Near the end of the film when we realise that the man is a narrator, we still believe what we see on the screen in front of us, not what he is saying. I think this technique is clever in making the audience think about what they are hearing not just what the are wactching,

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Unit 34
Grade D1

Amy this is very competent piece of analysis. You critically evaluate the work of video artists and support your arguments with elucidated examples, you express your ideas fluently and use subject terminology correctly.

This is clearly a distinction piece of work, Well done! You are now into your production stages i.e. Task 2 on the main blog.