Tuesday 16 December 2008



My finished experimental video followed my storyboard exactly as intended. However, my treatment and finished project differ slightly. In my treatment I explained that I was going to use a soundtrack in my video which would be played throughout the video. However, during the editing process of my film, I decided to extract the audio from my film only leaving in the ‘sighs’ that my actor made in various scenes. I decided to this for a few reasons. Firstly, I thought that the sounds of ‘sighing’ at various stages added to the reality that hard working, busy people, have little time for themselves and they feel pushed to the limit at times, causing them to express themselves by making the occasional sigh to show that they are tired of what they are doing.

If I re-done my experimental video there are a few things I would change to make the meaning behind the video a lot more obvious to the audience. I realised after I had completed my finished video that there are small things I could of changed to make it better. For example, in the two scenes with my actor eating and reading a paper, I should have changed the props from a newspaper to work documents. This would have emphasised the massage that even during meal times, there is no time to not be working. Also, another thing I would of changed would be in the scene with my actor watching sports on television. I should have changed the program he was watching from sports, to the news. This would help to show that even at times when business people have time to relax, they are still finding out about politics/business to help them with their own jobs and work.

I found out via my questionnaire, that the message behind my video wasn’t overly clear to the audience. The results of my questionnaire showed me that my audience believed that the purpose of my video was to highlight a sense of loneliness. I can see from watching my video how my audience came up with this idea as the real message could be projected a lot clearer now that I know what I could have done to improve it. Also, my questionnaire gave my advice on how I could improve my video by using a wider range of camera angles and shots. This advice is useful as I now know for the future how I can improve my work by taking risks and trying out new ideas instead of sticking to the shots I know I can do easily enough

These pictures show my video exhibition. Although the space is not the same as the original space I had intended to use, the space I did use still has the same meaning and gives off the same effect. I had to change the location of my exhibition due to the time of my exhibition. The space I had intended to use ended up being in use on the date of my exhibition so instead of using an office, I used the teachers desk in a classroom instead. My video was still shown on a PC on a desk so that part of my original exhibition is exactly the same; all that has changed is the surroundings.
That is my evaluation for my experimental video task.

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