Friday 5 December 2008

Production Diary

Production Diary

I began my production on 22/11/08. i set up my equipment at around 6:00pm and then proceeded to run through my storyboard with my actor. Once my actor was confident about what he was doing, we began filming.

All scenes that took place in the same area (e.g. living room) we filmed one after the other to save both time and the hassle of moving/setting up equipment repeatedly. I shot the first scene twice to ensure I had the camera in the right place. I then proceeded to shoot the rest of the film. As my film was not intended to have any audio, background noises were not an issue.

The only main problem that came from filming was lack of space. When trying to film the scene with my actor watching television, I could not place the tripod any further back than I already had it, this meant that in the shot, only half of my actor and half of the television can be seen. However, when I played back the footage, the angle had worked quite well so the tripod location/angle was no longer an issue.

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